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About Us
Chief Executive’s Words

Ms Silvia Mak

“Pass on Love and Hope” !


Upholding Paul’s statement in 1 Corinthians 13:13, “So now faith, hope, and love abide, these three; but the greatest of these is love”, S.K.H St. Christopher's Home (St. Christopher's Home) proactively passing on Love and Hope in the community.


Founded in 1935 by the late Bishop R.O. Hall in Taipo, St. Christopher's Home began as an orphanage taking care of homeless children. Currently, St. Christopher's Home is the largest non-governmental organization in Hong Kong providing small group home service for children who cannot receive adequate family care with the mission to create and sustain a caring environment for children and youth to grow, to develop potentials and to live a life of fullness. Throughout the years, in meeting the society’s evolving needs, St. Christopher's Home has started and is now providing multi child-focused social services and projects in Hong Kong, including Foster Care Service, Nursery,  Social Work Service for Pre-primary Institutions, Clinical Psychological Service, Service for Children with Special Educational Needs, Family Support Service as well as Youth Co-living Project.


We believe children and youth are the pillars of the society. Let’s join us in building a child-friendly community! 


Ms. Mak Yun Wan, Silvia

Chief Executive