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Your Support
Donation in Kind

Donation could help save the Home’s daily expenditure. Here is the wish-list of in-kind donation. Due to sanitation concerns, we only accept new and unused gifts. An expiry date of four weeks and ingredient label on the donated food and drink are required. The manufactured food should be made by registered food factory with sealed package.



Daily commodity

Office commodity


Household commodity

Drink –Tetra pack drinks/juice/milk

Toilet paper / Handkerchief / Tissue



Electric appliance

Spaghetti / noodle

Cling wrap / Zipper bag / Aluminum foil

Digital camera /
Video camera

Book voucher


Can food

Shampoo / Conditioner /
Body shower

Stamps -
$2.2 or other value

Cinema voucher



Cleaning product

A4 paper

Theme park ticket





Supermarket voucher





Musical instrument


Restaurant voucher



Sports voucher


Festival food vouchers, such as New Year, Dragon Boat Festival, Mid-Autumn Festival, etc.



Other vouchers (clothes, student necessity and department store, etc.)


* Sorry that we do not receive toys, stuffed toys and second-hand clothes.


Please fill-in the online form, or send email to develop@skhsch.org.hk  or WhatsApp to 9601 6661 with details and photos of the donation item(s). Please do not hesitate to contact us on 3756 4488 for any queries.